Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

in the month of January 2010, Indie Rock Highlight will be launched

If you're abreast of the latest messages indie rock, you've probably heard, regardless of the newest and best releases of the year. In case you're wondering what a good stay here, I'd like to share all the best to enjoy the moment.

For any pending print baby during the first year. Let's look at some of those that may interest you.

First, Vampire Weekend After his eponymous debut album release Contra second group. From their debut album for the award of the New York group has surprised critics with his original sound, so obviously the expectations are high for their follow-up.

Suffice it to say that Contra has lived up to expectations. Although it may not be available as soon the first album, listen to some 'begin to reveal rich layers, regardless of the level of songs and thought that went into each piece and one of them.

Another great album in 2010 and Teen dream as Beach House. Group of Metropolis was born complete with an album that builds on the unique sounds out of the group in recent versions.

The best way to describe the sound of this album will be calm, and should not be surprising, since the study of the CD. This is sure to make one of the best years of lists, which critics have become throw together at the end of 2010.

Finally, Owen Pallet newborn was left with an album known as the Heartland. Critics are loving this record, because it sounds complicated and layered are truly unique.

One can not recognize the name on the headstock, but this is simply due to the fact that it is unnatural to change monikers reasons documents. His initial study was Final Fantasy, you are probably more familiar.

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